Read or Die a Slave
EX - The Creative Act (2023) Rick Rubin

EX - The Creative Act (2023) Rick Rubin

It's time to penetrate deep into the creative process. These are my extensive excavation notes on Rick Rubin's book, which is more meditative than instructive; more philosophic than analytic; more silent than deadly. It's the kind of book you pull off the shelf when you've hit a creative block so that Rick Rubin can whisper the names of his favorite fruit into your ear.

The Creative Act

Steven Pressfield on Tetragrammaton

Tarot and the Law of Cycles by Mitch Horowitz

Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

The War of Art by Steven Pressfield

Kevin Kelly on How I Write

The Victorian Internet episode

Nebraska by Bruce Springsteen

Homicide: Life on the Street

The Outsider by Colin Wilson

The Dip episode

Getting Things Done by David Allen

Benjamin Franklin episode

“When Dove Cry” by Prince

The Writing Life by Annie Dillard

Stripped documentary

Checkout the full list of books so far.

Don’t forget to go subscribe to my deconstructionist fiction project: The Thing That Devours Everything

Go down the nerdy rabbit hole with Digital Disaster

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Read or Die a Slave
When you don't have knowledge yourself, you are a slave to those who do. I'm looking for the knowledge to power our lives, from psychology to productivity to woo-woo.